Unscramble the terms below by filling boxes with letters.
Note that only correct letters will stay in place as you continue typing.
For help, refer to http://www.ographics.com/ph307/reading.html


S P E E S I M R 

Statements offered as reasons to support a conclusion

T E A R G U N M 

A piece of reasoning with one or more premises and a conclusion


An argument that promises only probability, not certainty

C C S S O E I T N Y N 

The intuitive notion that is the basis for the understanding of validity,
expectation that true premises to lead to a true conclusion.

D N C T T N C R O I O I A 

The result of two mutually exclusive propositions

Y A A C F L L 

An attractive but unreliable piece of reasoning

G A Y I I B U T M 

The use of a term, phrase or statement in two or more distinct senses

O M R F 

Reasoning pattern

N E E E M M Y H T 

A syllogism in which one of the premises is implicit

G U A E V 

Not clearly defined, grasped, or understood word